Experience Someone Else's Memories In Memoir En Code: Reissue - Videogames Blogs

Experience Someone Else's Memories In Memoir En Code: Reissue

Short autobiographical game Memoir En Code has found its way onto Steam in an enhanced edition. Featuring short vignettes and minigames, it comes across as a series of snapshots from Alex Camilleri's life that manage to feel both intimate and oddly relatable. There are moments that feel important, like saying goodbye to a loved one, and then there's the small, mundane stuff. Bedtime stories. Childhood games. Memories. Does it all make sense" Of course not, but then, it's not our life.
Memoir En Code: Reissue is a brief glimpse in someone else's life and it gives you back as much as you invest in it. There are a few graphical upgrades, a new scenes, a developer's commentary, and some hidden achievements for you to chase in the Reissue. You can purchase the game from itch.io or Steam for $4.99. For more information, visit the game's website or follow developer Alex Camilleri on Twitter.

Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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