Explore Candy-Colored Futuristic Cities In Hover: Revolt Of Gamers - Videogames Blogs

Explore Candy-Colored Futuristic Cities In Hover: Revolt Of Gamers

It is the future and having fun has been outlawed for some reason. What's a prospective revolutionary to do but really enjoy themselves in Hover: Revolt of Gamers' huge neon cityscapes" Fight against the new anti-leisure laws by sabotaging propaganda, helping citizens, and covering everything in graffiti. That sounds strangely familiar, doesn't it"

With a playful scenario and style harkening back to Sega's Jet Set Radio - and even featuring music by its composer! - the game's nonviolent open world parkour shenanigans hit a sweet spot despite some rough edges.

Hover's huge vertical levels let you climb, grind, and jump around to your heart's content. The occasionally clunky controls and orientation issues can be confusing at times, but a lot of the joy here is derived from really getting to know the stage layout with all its shortcuts and secrets. These places are playgrounds for you to explore and to get familiar with, clunkiness be damned.
You can switch between singleplayer and multiplayer mode at all times, exploring the city on your own or sharing the stage with other players. How much you interact with them is entirely up to you; cooperation and even friendly rivalry is certainly possible and even subtly encouraged. Either way, having someone else play alongside you makes the game feel more alive.

While Hover: Revolt of Gamers' overall story is rather forgettable, its colorful setting and the joy of exploring a huge city while pulling off a...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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