Iconoclasts Lets You Speak Softly And Carry A Big Wrench - Videogames Blogs

Iconoclasts Lets You Speak Softly And Carry A Big Wrench

You'd think that a game you've been anticipating ever since it was announced ages ago would somehow disappoint, no matter what. These things just cannot be measured against the giant expectations that have been building up over the years, they simply cannot be that good as you want them to be.

And yet, here we are and Iconoclasts, Joakim 'konjak' Sandberg's action platformer that has been seven years in the making, is finally out in the wilds, gracing your PCs, PS4s, and Vitas with its presence. The wait was all worth it.

In a world ruled by the mighty One Concern (which makes you think "boy band" but is really more like "evil empire"), choosing your profession is out of the question. You get a job assigned to you and you'd better be happy with that if you don't want to face 'penance' - which is just as nasty as it sounds, really.
Enter Robin, a taciturn young freelance mechanic - and sinner in the eyes of the One Concern - who somehow stumbles into this huge story, featuring a colorful cast, lots of drama, and boss fights. So many boss fights. The writing might not be the game's strongest part, but the charming world and likeable characters more than make up for it.

Besides, zipping through those wonderful levels is pure bliss. Jumping around, hitting things with your super-sized wrench, climbing ledges, or swimming underwater, it all feels so incredibly fluid and satisfying. The levels themselves might have a bit of backtracking now an...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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