imprint-X - Hack Minds To Free Them From Robot Viruses - Videogames Blogs

imprint-X - Hack Minds To Free Them From Robot Viruses

Morgondag, developer of the delightfully peaceful galactic exploration game RymdResa, are moving from the vastness of space into the limited space within your skull in their new game, imprint-X.

Human minds are being overtaken by a robot virus, and players must hack into the human mind, find the wardens that control the virus, and eradicate them by outwitting them. Each of those wardens contains a different kind of button puzzle, from ones that require timing to those that use memorization. Players can't just freely fiddle within someone's mind, though, so they only have a limited number of moves to complete each puzzle. Should they complete them all, a tense boss puzzle awaits before players can free the humans who're under the control of the virus.
With a little Kickstarter help, imprint-X will have you hacking brains on mobile devices and PCs soon.

For more information on imprint-X and developer Morgondag, you can head to the developer's site or follow them on Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, and Twitter. The game is also looking for funding through Kickstarter.

Source: indie games

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