Interrogate Suspects & Find The Truth Before A Killer Catches You In Dead Secret Circle - Videogames Blogs

Interrogate Suspects & Find The Truth Before A Killer Catches You In Dead Secret Circle

Patricia Gable's investigation into a serial killer leads her to a condemned apartment complex. There, she finds seven people, all too poor or too stubborn to leave. They all have some things to hide, but which of them has clues to the secretive killer Patricia is looking for" It's up to players to work on these interrogations and find out who this killer is before this dangerous stalker finds them in Dead Secret Circle.
Dead Secret Circle, follow-up to the chilling Dead Secret, takes players to a broken place that feels frighteningly familiar to Patricia. She's been seeing a place in her dreams, as well as a a laughing killer who seems to bleed between dream and reality. There'll be no fending the killer off if they show up, either, so players may want to work on their cardio.
When not fleeing for their lives, players can prod suspects for clues, search the environments for hints and puzzles, and scour the apartment for anything that will lead them to some answers as to the killer's identity. Dead Secret Circle offers multiple endings, hidden documents, and branching paths, so depending on how the player tackles events, they may end up at several different conclusions, not all of which will be pleasant.

Built around psychological horror, tension, and mystery, Dead Secret Circle aims to bring players an unsettling, yet intriguing, experience in fear.

Dead Secret Circle is available for $14.99 on Steam and the developer's site. For more information on the...
Source: indie games

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