Multiplayer Battler 'Grotoro' Is About Gassy Bulls In Space - Videogames Blogs

Multiplayer Battler 'Grotoro' Is About Gassy Bulls In Space

Grotoro is all about being a bull and charging into your buddies, knocking them for a loop. However, it's hard to get much traction in space without some form of thruster, but luckily, a hint of indigestion is just what these amorphous animals need to get a little shot of propelling gas in this goofy multiplayer title.
Grotoro will have up to four players (or whatever number plus some AI animals) bouncing around an arena trying to clobber one another. You can fire off a shot of gas when you need to propel yourself forward, but just have to aim your shots so they'll slam into someone. The bulls are made of a bouncy substance as well, though, so you can use this to bounce off the stage edges to pull off some tricky shots and thump your friends from an unexpected angle.
You don't have to just sit and take their friend's loving charge when they're coming for you, too. A little shot of gas can get you out of harm's way, or you can use it to ram them back, countering their charge. Just try not to think about how much gas is building up all around you from four bulls letting them fly at will to get around. This cute game gets a bit gross if you linger on those thoughts for long.

Grotoro is available for free on and Steam. For more information on the game and Concrete Games, you can head to the developer's site or follow them on Twitter,, Facebook, YouTube, and Discord.

Source: indie games

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