'Objects In Space' Lets Players Customize Their Starship For Trade, Stealth, Or Piracy

Objects in Space gives you your own starship and a galaxy to explore, picking up trade jobs, hiding from organized criminals, dodging shifty governments, or robbing shady captains as you see fit. Just take some time to tweak your ship's build depending on what you want to do, though, as not all ships are created equally.
And don't be cheap, either. You only have yourself to blame for buying discount thrusters.
Objects in Space sets you free in the universe, able to go wherever you want to provided you can afford the fuel and keep your ship intact. To do this, you can take on odd jobs for people and corporations, moving freight, helping people get around, looting abandoned ships, or attacking folks for their cargo. All of these are viable options as you traipse across the galaxy, letting you choose a life for yourself among the stars. With a ton of small activities each telling their own tale, there's lots to experience throughout the game.
Based on what you want to do, you may wish to customize your ship in certain ways. All of the ship's parts can be swapped out for different ones, allowing you to decide how it operates and what aspects you focus on. If you have an eye for stealth, combat, or speed, you can focus your ship's build on that, but you also need to be wary of part costs. Cheap parts may get you by, but they're also a lot less reliable and require more repairs. You're in charge of that as well, as each mechanism works in complex ways, giving players ...
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