Q&A: Ocelot Society's Sergey Mohov On Creating The AI Of Event[0] - Videogames Blogs

Q&A: Ocelot Society's Sergey Mohov On Creating The AI Of Event[0]

Event[0] is a retrofuturistic narrative exploration game where you must build a relationship with a lonely spaceship computer to get home. The game released two weeks ago and was pretty well-received, mainly due to the interaction with its AI, Kaizen. I talked to writer and designer Sergey Mohov about the creation of Kaizen.
Who is Ocelot Society and for how long have you worked on Event[0]"

We're a small (10 people), indie studio, based in Paris, France. Key members of the team met at ENJMIN about four years ago. ENJMIN is a French video game grad school. Initially, Event[0] was our 6-month graduation project. When we finished school, we had what we thought was a kind of cool prototype on our hands, but we didn't believe that we would do much with it. We sent it to a couple of festivals, and to our surprise, it won some awards and nominations. By that time we were already working in the industry at different companies: Leonard (our producer and CEO) worked at Ubisoft, Emmanuel (game designer) at Amplitude Studios, and I worked on Rime at Tequila Works. Other members of the team had also moved on. But we didn't completely abandon the project because we kept receiving encouraging feedback from players, industry people, festival organizers, and judges.
And then at some point last year we got an email from Indie Fund asking whether we were interested in finishing and releasing this game commercially. We said yes, got the second half of our funding from a gov...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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