Save The World And Hug Your Friends In The Swords Of Ditto

So here's a little thing about The Swords of Ditto that completely sold me on this game: when you're playing co-op and one of your intrepid adventurers falls in combat, the other player can run up to them and literally hug them back to life. Isn't that just the sweetest thing"
This roguelite, cleverly disguised as a top-down Zelda-like, has you trying to rid the land of the evil sorceress Mormo. You are the chosen one, the wielder of the magical sword of Ditto, so it falls on you to end the curse and vanquish evil... except that, should you fail on your quest, another hero will rise one hundred years later and try again.
In order to stand a chance, you have to visit particular dungeons which help you by supplying you with new items (or "toys", to be precise) or which weaken Mormo's influence and make the final battle a little easier. However, if you just beeline to your next objective, you're seriously missing out.
Exploring the game's overworld is a delight, with lots of secrets to uncover and a colorful cast of characters to meet. Some of these have additional quests for you - but there's precious little handholding involved. You can spend a lot of time exploring and gearing up for the final battle. But alas, time is in short supply.
With only four in-game days before the final battle, there is simply no way to do everything at once. Repeated playthroughs are a necessity, and some of your stuff will carry over to the next hero. Figuring out h...
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