Screenshot Saturday Highlights - February 4th, 2017 - Videogames Blogs

Screenshot Saturday Highlights - February 4th, 2017

Hell, alien planets, and steampunk Victorian England are all well represented in these Screenshot Saturday Highlights.
Hell Is Other Demons

Hannes Rahm | PC, Mac, Linux | 2017

A relentless bullet hell platformer, Hell Is Other Demons drops you into trap-and-enemy filled areans, and challenges you to double jump and shoot frantically as demonic beasts encroach from all sides. Powerful unlocks let you enhance yourself with new weapons, abilities, and passive perks.


Skunkwerks Kinetic | PC, PS4, Xbox One | Late 2017

From the cockpit of your futuristic vehicle, you explore the deadly landscapes of MEG 9. Your robot companion at your side, you'll need to fight off unwelcoming inhabitants and navigates the planet's rough terrain.

Lamplight City
Grundislav Games | PC | 2017

Many crimes lurk in the shadows of titular Lamplight City, and as private investigator Miles Fordham, your job is to solve these twisted cases as you explore the lamp-lit steampunk streets.


Christos Michalakos | PC | Free download available

Stark monoliths dot the minimalist environments of Sentinel. In this free puzzle-exploration game, you must solve waveform-based challenges while trekking through a weird abstract world.

Waking The Glares

Wisefool Studio | PC, Mac, Linux

Waking The Glares is not set in one world, but seven. Seven realities warped and twisted through the power of a mysterious book. This first-person adventure tasks you with traveling those lands ...
Source: indie games

Shenmue III - The Story Goes On Launch Trailer | PS4
