She Remembered Caterpillars - Dealing With Grief With Cute Creatures And Somber Stories - Videogames Blogs

She Remembered Caterpillars - Dealing With Grief With Cute Creatures And Somber Stories

She Remembered Caterpillars is a game about handling grief. Not solely, and not aggressively, but through the player's work in helping tiny, adorable forest creatures find their way through these twisting maps of caterpillars and fungus, they share in a story of loss, confusion, sorrow, and death.

People handle grief in different ways at different times. Some want to get away from it. Others seek to confront it or feel guilty about turning away from it. Dealing with it requires many things at once, and Creator Daniel Goffin and writer Cassandra Khaw worked to create an experience that would help in multiple ways.

Whether through escaping to a world of cute creatures who need help with puzzles, or by embracing the story and sharing in the pain of someone else who has suffered, She Remembered Caterpillars is a game that can help soothe the sorrow of loss.
A Game For the Grieving

She Remembered Caterpillars can help players confront grief. This isn't to say that the game was explicitly designed as a means of dealing with grief, but rather, parts of it could be said to aid in the healing process, whatever that might mean to the player.

A cute universe of charming creatures is a fine place to escape to when your life is grim from a recent loss. The bright colors, cheerful creatures, and animated movements evoke a whimsy from the player, taking them to a happy place far removed from their own woes.

When asked about how games can help with grief, Khaw had two ...
Source: indie games

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