Stained Glass Kingdoms And Card-Based Battles Abound In RPG The Land Of Glass - Videogames Blogs

Stained Glass Kingdoms And Card-Based Battles Abound In RPG The Land Of Glass

Sometimes a game might grab one's attention with a glance and The Land of Glass' stained glass aesthetic is certainly eye-catching. But along with the unique art style, this new RPG combines strategic combat with cards and deck building.

The Land of Glass takes places in the fantasy world of Vitrerran, overrun by monsters flooding in from portals. It's in this threatened land that you choose between eight different protagonists, each with their own campaigns and narrative to unravel. As you travel through Glass' stories and environments, the game reveals its other side: real-time combat driven by your hands of cards.
With hundreds of cards to choose from and deck management to customize your playstyle, you face enemies in real time, placing cards in grids for either offensive or defensive tactics. Heavy blows, quick jabs, heavy armor to absorb damage, magical perks that imbue your attacks with fire and ice and other have to manage all those options and more to survive Land of Glass' challenging battles.

The Land of Glass is available for $14.99 on Steam. More details on developer Dual Wield Software and their game can be found on the Land of Glass site, Twitter, and Facebook.

Source: indie games

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