The Devil's Eights Is About Conquering The Circles Of Hell To Sweet Tunes - Videogames Blogs

The Devil's Eights Is About Conquering The Circles Of Hell To Sweet Tunes

The Devil's Eight is a boss-centric game where players can't simply grind their way up to defeat their foes, but instead must hone their skills in order to advance. On top of these invigorating battles, bosses will have their own design, as well as music that works in tandem with their attacks, giving each circle of Hell a different feel than the last.
In The Devil's Eight, you are completely stripped of offensive capabilities and left with only your shield. The battles take place on a circular platform - giving players little room for error when dodging attacks. You'll have to observe how the boss attacks you for the opportunities to present a reversal - all while keeping yourself alive. Your shield has a defensive ability to reflect an attack back at the boss, but be careful of your timing or you'll end up on the receiving end of some pain. Luckily, bosses seem to follow the rhythm of the music, giving players a good indicator on when they'll need to protect themselves.
One of the biggest draws to The Devil's Eight is the audio-visual experience players will be able to enjoy during tense battles. Players will battle bosses like Lust, a woman-like figure dancing with a man-like figure dancing on the opposite side, all while playing a catchy electronic-track. These types of catered battles require practice (and a well-tuned ear), but will unveil backstories as you defeat them, shedding light on dark pasts and pain.

If you're looking to test your skills and enjoy...
Source: indie games

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