'Tis The Season To Slap Some Imps In War For The Overworld
Sorry, did I say "imps"" What I meant was "workers", of course, but these things are not easy to keep apart. You see, Brightrock Games' War for the Overworld is the most faithful recreation of Bullfrog's seminal 1997 release Dungeon Keeper you'll find out there. It has all the dungeon-building, worker-slapping, trap-placing action and is presented in a similar, playfully evil style, with all the amenities of a contemporary release.
Following a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2012 and a frankly less-than-perfect launch last year, Brightrock Games haven't stopped supporting the game when they hit the big 1.0. In fact, they rolled up their sleeves, listened to feedback, and polished those old dungeons to a shine. After a small paid expansion earlier this year, the latest patch might be War for the Overworld's most substantial update, adding a free survival mode with online leaderboards. On the six new maps specifically created for this mode, your task is simple: survive never-ending waves of enemies.
All of this is a fun and welcome addition to the game, but the real joy still lies in designing and building your very own dungeon. Watching your workers dig out new tunnels and other monstrous creatures arriving and settling down in the rooms you have made for them - torture chambers, laboratories, libraries - is just as satisfying as it used to be so many years ago. If you've been there in 1997, this will take you right back. If not, th...
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