Trailer Roundup - June 12, 2017 - Videogames Blogs

Trailer Roundup - June 12, 2017

It's been a while, hasn't it" Fret not, I can guarantee that the following trailers have all been worth the wait.
The Swords of Ditto

Windows, PS4 | $TBA | 2018

According to developer One Bit Beyond, The Swords of Ditto promises to be "an unforgettable adventure filled with delightful characters, extraordinary loot, and heroic battles!" Featuring co-op play and a rather cute menagerie of baddies, this action adventure looks incredibly charming.


PC | $TBA | 2018

Jazzy samba tunes and bazooka crabs await you in this fishpersonshooter, which... is apparently inspired by a Brazilian soap opera" Well, okay then.

Tiny Echo

Windows, OSX, Linux | $TBA | August 31, 2017

Aww look, you're a tiny, one-eyed mailman...thing! This looks and feels like the usual Might & Delight fare, sprinkled with a bit of Amanita Design-like whimsy. Wonderful stuff.
Intelligent Design

Windows, Linux | $6.99 | Available now

From developer Pill Bug Interactive: "Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox is a god game with fully simulated genetics and evolution. Create species of plants, herbivores and carnivores and try to control the ever evolving ecosystem."

Children of Zodiarcs

Windows, PS4 | $TBA | July 18, 2017

Children of Zodiarcs offers an unholy trinity of turn-based tactics, cards, and dice, all rolled into one. The deckbuilding adds an element of controlled randomness to the game, while your customizable set of dice lets you ...
Source: indie games

The Surge - The Good, the Bad, and the Augmented: Launch Trailer
