Visual Novel Love Esquire Follows A Squire Out For Romance - Videogames Blogs

Visual Novel Love Esquire Follows A Squire Out For Romance

For those still reeling from the terrors of The Letter, they'll get a little break with YangYang Mobile's newest project! Love Esquire takes a new direction into the softer (and squishier) side of things, with players assuming the role of a lowly squire, hoping to win the heart of one of five maidens (while also keeping his knight alive).
Like The Letter, Love Esquire looks to keep things interactive by adding some light combat to the mix along with the normal blend of visual novel elements. Combat may be a generous term though, as you're just the squire and it's your duty to support your knight whatever means necessary! You'll be tasked with cheering him on, keeping him healthy and scooping up all the treasures left behind. You can use these rewards to pick up some items that may aid you in your quest for love - or you can pay some coin to get relationship advice from Hugh (whether it's good or bad advice).
You'll have a time limit of four months to achieve your goal, so you'll have to maximize the use of your days in order to get the girl of your dreams while also keeping up with your squire duties! With 11 different endings to fall into, you may end up with a completely different outcome than you had intended. So, start planning your attack now and find love in Love Esquire!

For more information on Love Esquire, check out the Patreon Page. You can also follow the developer on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook!

Source: indie games

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