Wishin' I Was Fishin' - Minigames, Sidequests, and Culture In JRPG Legrand Legacy - Videogames Blogs

Wishin' I Was Fishin' - Minigames, Sidequests, and Culture In JRPG Legrand Legacy

For many JRPGs, turn-based combat and sweeping stories can make for an excellent game, but sometimes, it's the small diversions that add to the experience. From game-changing sidequests like in Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, taking a moment to fish in Breath of Fire, engaging in Iron Chef-like cooking contests in Suikoden II, or doing some chocobo racing in Final Fantasy VII, many memorable moments are born out of the things players do when not tackling the main story.

This era, and the minigames and sidequests that frequently appeared in its games, were what made Henry William 'Uwil' Winata, lead game designer for Legrand Legacy, want to make their game. "Legrand Legacy is our homage to these classic JRPGs of yesteryear, but with fresh new twists that will appeal to modern players. From hand-drawn, pre-rendered backgrounds, epic lore, a sweeping original soundtrack, and 3D cutscenes, 90's kids will be instantly hit with a sense of nostalgia, which is hard to come by these days."
Legrand Legacy is born of love from that early era of JRPGs, one where extra diversions seemed like a constant norm. "You might recognize timed hit combat a la Legend of Dragoon; castle building, tactical war, and mini games from Suikoden; weapons triangles like Fire Emblem; as well as elements similar to Brave Frontier."

It was more than blind sticking to tradition that made Winata want to include so many minigames, diversions, and ways for players to tinker or learn more about th...
Source: indie games
URL: http://indiegames.com/

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