Deathloop Has Been Officially Delayed - Videogames Blogs

Deathloop Has Been Officially Delayed

In case you missed the news, Deathloop, one of PS5’s exclusive titles, has officially been delayed. The development team has decided that the new release date for the interesting PS5 title will now launch on September 14th 2021. As expected, the team stated that they are committed to quality with Deathloop so we will have to wait a bit longer to see how things pan out. I have been on the fence about the game since I have seen it and am still not sure what to make of the title. Hopefully these next few months will be good to Deathloop and, as always, we will keep you updated.
The post Deathloop Has Been Officially Delayed first appeared on MVGN.

Source: Myvideogamenews

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