Fortnite For Nintendo Switch Has Been Downloaded Over 2 Million Times - Videogames Blogs

Fortnite For Nintendo Switch Has Been Downloaded Over 2 Million Times

Although Fortnite has only been released for Nintendo Switch for just 1 day, the popular title has been downloaded over 2 million times already! The worlds most popular game dropped on the Nintendo eShop yesterday and it seems as though gamers are flocking to the title. I wish SONY wouldn’t block me from using MY Epic account on my Nintendo Switch as I was really hoping to play the game on the go with all my current things unlocked. I hope somehow this gets changed but I am not going to hold my breath… Here is what NOA president Reggie Fils-Aime had to say regarding Fortnites sales:
?At this point, we?ve already had more than two million downloads on Fortnite. So that speaks to an engaged audience on Nintendo Switch as well as the core proposition of, I can now take it with me and play anywhere, anytime, with anyone, it?s really resonated.?
More as it develops. Awesome news Nintendo and Epic!

Source: Myvideogamenews

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