Here Are The Latest Japanese Hardware Sales - Videogames Blogs

Here Are The Latest Japanese Hardware Sales

Here are the latest Hardware Sales (followed by lifetime sales) from Japan. What can I say that hasn’t;t already been said…. The Nintendo Switch, once again, has DOMINATED the charts. With the release of the PS5 coming soon and the holidays right around the corner, I cannot wait to see what happens. Check out the full hardware sales below:
Switch ? 259,765 (12,339,275)Switch Lite ? 62,272 (2,507,237)PlayStation 4 ? 6,773 (7,639,486)PlayStation 4 Pro ? 1,750 (1,571,057)New 2DS LL (including 2DS) ? 1,914 (1,727,340)New 3DS LL ? 93 (5,888,332)Xbox One X ? 55 (20,731)Xbox One S ? 39 (93,485)

Source: Myvideogamenews

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