Here is The Full Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct 11.1.2018
In case you missed out on today’s Nintendo Direct that showcased Super Smash Bros Ultimate, check out the video above. Nintendo blew the doors off this game and has us beyond hyped for the games release next month! Check out the rest of the post for all the new information:
Some of the highlights revealed in the video include:
HadoKEN!: Hailing from the Street Fighter series, Ryu?s rival Ken joins the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster as an echo fighter. This Ken is based on his appearance in Super Street Fighter II Turbo. While he has some similar moves to Ryu, Ken is a slightly faster fighter and has a different shaped Hadoken.
Incineroar: The final fighter to join the battle in time for the game?s launch is Incineroar, the advanced evolution of Litten, who made his first appearance in the Pokémon Sunand Pokémon Moon games. Incineroar uses pro-wrestling moves, culminating in an epic Final Smash called Max Malicious Moonsault, based on his Z-Move from the Pokémon games. Spirits: In the world of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, many video game characters lose their forms and become ?spirits? that serve as a power-up of sorts for a player?s main playable fighter. There is a massive number of wildly different spirits, ranging from Chibi-Robo to Dr. Wily to Tails to Revolver Ocelot, with the giant list of characters going on and on. Players can equip primary and support spirits to power up or add additional abilities like speed or strength to their fighter during batt...
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