Minecraft?s Evolution in Graphics - Videogames Blogs

Minecraft?s Evolution in Graphics

Ah Minecraft. It?s amazing to me what a phenomenon Minecraft has become and how it will continue to be in the years to come. My first time playing Minecraft I was instantly hooked and immediately understood ?what the big deal was? with this game. I?m writing this quick article just to talk about how Minecraft has transcended video games and has made its way into our culture. Watching my kids still play this game always brings a smile to my face and I love to watch what they come up with.
What?s funny about Minecraft is, on its surface, the game looks pretty basic. In an age where HD graphics and realistic-looking characters and worlds seem to be the norm, Minecraft took a dramatically different approach and opted for a more cubed look. It?s reminiscent of ?video game? legos but has expanded and evolved into something way more. With the addition of downloadable skins as well as Minecraft Optifine HD mods, the game has taken on a very different form. All of a sudden, the blocky ?primitive? graphics of this game look quite nice especially if you have a high end PC or an XBOX One X to play it on. Subtle additions to the games graphics have made Minecraft what it is today which is a very nice-looking title. It?s been very fun to watch this evolution and I always love to watch my kids create. I can?t wait to see what is in store for this game and I see this game continuing for a very long time. As always, thanks for reading and be sure to let me know what you all think ab...
Source: Myvideogamenews
URL: http://myvideogamenews.com

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