Next Zelda Game Coming ?Sooner Than We Think? - Videogames Blogs

Next Zelda Game Coming ?Sooner Than We Think?

According to Game Informer, the next Zelda game should be coming “sooner than we think”. Now, we all know that this franchise is always being worked on, but the fact that it might be coming “sooner than we think”, that’s a big deal. Here is what they had to say regarding the historic franchise during their latest podcast:
“I was just thinking what I should say about that. The next Zelda will probably be sooner than we think…I will talk to you guys off camera about stuff.” And when asked if it is a game by the Triforce Heroes team and involves co-op, he responds, “Um, not exactly.” I might have to do some digging of my own on this subject but I don’t think it would be too far off… The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild was being co-developed for Wii U and Switch and that game was released almost 2 years ago. I would image that there was a TON of content that they could’ve went off from this game.
More as it develops my friends.
Source via MyNintendoNews

Source: Myvideogamenews

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