Nintendo Continues its Absolute Dominance With HUGE Sales - Videogames Blogs

Nintendo Continues its Absolute Dominance With HUGE Sales

Nintendo has been on an absolute tear since the release of the Nintendo Switch and it is now being reported that the system was, once again, the #1 selling console for the past two months. Worldwide numbers for the system has been absolutely BANANAS and I am now wondering if this will ever die down. The Switch is doing incredible in Japan and now NPD (US SALES) have stated that the hybrid console has managed to be the most popular console over the past holiday season. Animal Crossing: New Horizons shifted millions of copies over the course of 2020 and I am very eager to see what Nintendo brings in 2021.
More and more good news for Nintendo and the Switch.

SourceThe post Nintendo Continues its Absolute Dominance With HUGE Sales first appeared on MVGN.

Source: Myvideogamenews

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