Octopath Traveler Sold Through 90% Of Its Initial Shipment in Japan - Videogames Blogs

Octopath Traveler Sold Through 90% Of Its Initial Shipment in Japan

And the good news just keeps coming in for Octopath Traveler on Nintendo Switch. It has been announced that the title has now sold through 90% of its initial shipment and has become VERY hard to find in Japan. The game has received rave reviews from a number of internet outlets and Square-Enix has even come out and publicly apologized for the shortages. The demo was extremely fun when I played it but I have yet to pick it up (it’s lack of funds right now…. I desperately want the game!). This is AMAZING news for Switch and I think for the JRPG genre in general. It’s a unique game and it has been receiving “unique” sales as well (mainly selling out). We knew it was going to be a good title but I don’t think anyone expected this game to explode like it has.
More on Octopath Traveler as it develops.

Source: Myvideogamenews
URL: http://myvideogamenews.com

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