Overwatch Developers Want Tracer and Doomfist In Super Smash Bros Ultimate
It has been revealed that Overwatch Developers are keen on the idea on bringing some of their best characters from their FPS into Nintendo’s own, Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I think it would make SO MUCH SENSE for BOTH companies and wonder if this will ever come to fruition. I actually think it would be amazing if BOTH Tracer AND Doomfist made the roster somehow but I think we would be lucky if even one made it.
Here is what Game Director Jeff Kaplan had to say regarding this news (this all stemmed from a Reddit Q and A):
?Tracer plz,? was Kaplan?s swift response to the question, choosing the game?s mascot.
Lead Hero Designer Geoff Goodman had another idea. ?Doomfist could also work,? he said. ?He?s kind of a fighting game hero already! He?s certainly inspired by fighting games.?
There you have it friends…. Who do you want in Smash"
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