Pokemon Go Sales Update: 7.5 MILLION People Are Playing - Videogames Blogs

Pokemon Go Sales Update: 7.5 MILLION People Are Playing

Pokemon Go is big. I could actually end this article there and it would be enough for this entire story. Pokemon Go is currently being played by over 7.5 MILLION people and it hasn’t even been out for a week. The game skyrocketed to the top of the app store charts and has already become the #1 grossing title as well. The game is so big it has caused Nintendo’s stock to go up in price by a staggering 25%. EVERYONE is playing Pokemon Go and it has only begun. In addition to these crazy downloads, Sensor Tower estimates that Pokémon Go is generating $1.6 million in revenue from iOS in the U.S. alone (this number doesn’t count Android sales).
The reason you keep bumping into other Pokémon Go players is because millions of people are trying to catch ?em all. Approximately 7.5 million iOS and Android owners have downloaded Pokémon Go in the United States since Wednesday, according to app-market intelligence firm Sensor Tower. The rush to download it (and spend money on it) has pushed Nintendo?s stock up 25 percent on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The location-based augmented reality game puts digital pocket monsters into your real world using GPS data, which requires you to get out of the house and go walking to get the most from the mechanics. It is only out in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand ? and it is coming to Europe and Asia in the next few days, according to The Pokémon Company. But while the rest of the world waits, Poké-trainers that do have acce...
Source: Myvideogamenews
URL: http://myvideogamenews.com

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