The Last of Us II Has Sold Over 4 Million Copies - Videogames Blogs

The Last of Us II Has Sold Over 4 Million Copies

The Last of Us II has already sold over 4 million copies worldwide. This makes the newly released title the fastest selling PS4 exclusive ever. Here is what the Playstation Blog had to say about the news:

We?re delighted to report that The Last of Us Part II is now the fastest-selling PS4 exclusive ever with more than 4 million copies sold through as of June 21. This milestone would not have been reached without the support from our amazing fans, so on behalf of everyone at SIE, thank you! Fans seem to have been waiting for this sequel for a long time and sales for the game have been nothing short of spectacular. With this game out of the way, gamers now await the hotly anticipated Ghost of Tsushima which arrives on July 17. PS4 gamers look to have plenty to be excited about!
Did you pick up The Last of Us II"

Source: Myvideogamenews

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