Final Fantasy VIII Review To the Point - Videogames Blogs

Final Fantasy VIII Review To the Point

The opening full-motion video sequence may not reveal very much about the plot of Final Fantasy VIII, or even what in the world is going on in the video itself, but it sure draws you in. The combination of intense music and fast-paced scenes shows that at least in the area of movies, SquareSoft knows what they're doing.

The introductory movie does become understandable as the game goes on, but at the beginning of the game all it really does is explain how Squall (the main character) and Seifer (his rival) end up with matching facial scars. Getting your face nearly sliced in two can't be a fun way to start the day.

Twists even a pretzel can't beat.
For the first few hours of the game, the plot is fairly straightforward. Squall is attempting to pass his final exam to become a member of SeeD, an elite mercenary force. The final exam in this case involves helping to put down an invasion in progress... and I thought calculus exams were tough!
As has become pretty much a trademark of the series, FF8 has plot twists waiting on a regular basis. Some of them may be pretty obvious and easy to see coming, but once in a while they really do manage to catch you by surprise. There was one plot twist that I found entirely unnecessary and more than a little forced. Since it occurs fairly late in the game, I won't give away any spoilers, but I will say this: There's a reason that mass memory loss isn't a frequently used plot device. One character that doesn't remember his past is accep...
Source: MingFun Blog

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