Latest Dishonored 2 Update Fixes Numerous Bugs - Videogames Blogs

Latest Dishonored 2 Update Fixes Numerous Bugs

With the new Dishonored 2 update (aka Game Update 3) today for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Arkane has fixed a host of bugs, optimized the user interface, and added a Full option for the Mana Replenish setting.
Here’s the full list of patch notes for today’s Dishonored 2 update on PS4:

UI optimization
Added a ‘Full’ option for the ‘Mana Replenish’ setting
Bloodthirst post-process is now brighter

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the FPS drops when the player looks at a gravehound’s smoke.
Fixed a bug where possessing a Gravehound causes their smoke effect to build up.
Fixed shadows missing on particles
Fixed a bug where normal maps were inverted with negative scaled objects Fixed a bug where using Far Reach on a hanging speaker causes strange physics in subsequent Far Reaches
Fixed a bug where aiming Focused Strike or Spyglass at the sky results in poor depth of field masking
Fixed a bug where Jindosh still talks to player in lab after death or being rendered unconscious
Fixed a bug where the journal may become blurred
Fixed a bug in Long Day In Dunwall where screen turns dark a short time after speaking with Meagan
Fixed a bug where the player becomes control-locked when attempting to load corrupt mission saves
Fixed a bug where overwriting corrupt New Game + save with no free space can cause a crash during or after credits
Fixed a bug where Autosave Thumbnails persist after switching Profiles
Fixed a bug in “Lo...

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