‘Create the Rope"’ Potentially Substantial Death Stranding News Coming Later This Week - Videogames Blogs

‘Create the Rope"’ Potentially Substantial Death Stranding News Coming Later This Week

Production on Kojima?s Death Stranding seems to be coming along nicely, as the mastermind keeps teasing and updating us with small nuggets of information. Still, we aren?t exactly sure what the game will really end up looking like, despite having seen gameplay at last year?s E3 presentation. Well, the wait for more substantial news could be coming to a close if a recent tweet has any significance. The company behind the upcoming game, Kojima Productions, tweeted out an image with the caption ?The countdown of #DEATHSTRANDING has started? May 29th. Create the rope.?
Will we finally get a huge reveal, showing off the moment-to-moment gameplay" Or perhaps we?ll get an official release date. Whatever is forthcoming, it?s likely to be something worth keeping your eye on.
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