10 PlayStation Exclusives That Deserve PS5 Remakes More Than The Last of Us - Videogames Blogs

10 PlayStation Exclusives That Deserve PS5 Remakes More Than The Last of Us

New reports say that Sony has development on a The Last of Us remake for PS5 going under original developer Naughty Dog, which is quite frankly a ridiculous proposition given that the original only came out in 2013 on PS3, got a Remastered version on PS4 in 2014?which, I should add, is available as part of the PS Plus Collection on PS5 for all PlayStation Plus subscribers?and had its sequel release just last year. Pursuing new ideas and sequels to big games aside (RIP Days Gone 2), The Last of Us is one of last games that comes to mind when looking at which PlayStation exclusives Sony should remake.
Putting out a remake (whatever “remake” actually means, in this context) of The Last of Us, built by the same studio who already put the game out less than eight years ago, feels devoid of creativity on Sony’s part. Even the 2016 Ratchet & Clank remake from Insomniac was 14 years after the original’s release. Whether it’s just the original game with some PS5-level enhancements, or its a full-blown remake that changes up multiple elements of the game (the reporting seems to suggest the latter), The Last of Us is very low on the list of PlayStation exclusive remakes that fans are clamoring for on the PS5. Now, that’s not to say that The Last of Us is a bad game?far from it?but rather that it just doesn’t warrant a remake just yet. In no particular order, here are 10 PlayStation exclusives from Sony studios that deserve PS5 remakes more...
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