11-11: Memories Retold Review – Paint It Beige (PS4)

War. As gamers we’ve seen several sides of war. Most of the time we wield guns and charge headfirst into battle to fight for our country, to fight for what our side believes to be right. 11-11: Memories Retold lets us walk in the shoes of two men taking part in World War I. Men who enlisted for very different reasons. Men whose lives would never be the same again.
A Farewell to Arms
Harry is a young photographer in Toronto. He works at a shop and is in love with his employer’s daughter, Julia. When a Major Barrett of the Canadian Expeditionary Force enters the shop one afternoon, Harry finds himself enlisting and following the military man overseas. With a newly issued uniform and the best camera from Julia’s shop, Harry is now an official photographer of The Great War. Across the ocean, Kurt is part of a German team building aircraft to be used in battle. The father of two has his life completely turned upside down when heartbreaking news reaches town. Determined to find his deployed son and bring him home, Kurt enlists and is sent to the lines where he will work as an radio technician.
These are the entwined stories that drive 11-11: Memories Retold. At the beginning of each chapter you will choose whose side you wish to start with, and at certain intervals the game will switch you over to experience what is happening on the other side of the front. For my first run, I stuck to my roots and chose to see the war through Harry’s eyes first. And yes...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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