6 Games That Won’t Be at E3 2019 (But We Wish Would Be) - Videogames Blogs

6 Games That Won’t Be at E3 2019 (But We Wish Would Be)

With E3 right around the corner, many of us are speculating about what will be shown at this year?s show. And while we have a pretty good idea of what we will see from many of the attending companies, we have an even more definitive list of games that will not be shown. With the increasing scrutiny of very loud fans from the community, companies have made it a habit to let everyone know if something will be absent from the show in order to reduce backlash and disappointment.
It?s a good move and it sets the stage (literally at times), making it easier for fans to temper their expectations. That being said, it is still slightly disappointing to learn that many of our most anticipated titles won?t be present at the show.

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URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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