7’scarlet Endings and Trophy Guide - Videogames Blogs

7’scarlet Endings and Trophy Guide

7’scarlet has twelve different endings, but only seven have unique trophies attached to them. However, if you want the “Welcome to the Okunezato Supernatural Club” trophy as well as all of the character CG trophies, you’ll need to see all twelve. It will take some time to see all of them, but it’s fairly easy to view all of the Happy Endings available. Even if you miss one, the game allows you to start at the beginning of that particular character route at any time to try again.
As for the Normal Endings, a few of those are tricky to trigger, pushing you toward a few of the Bad Endings instead. I stopped keeping track of all the ways to get a Bad Ending, because each route has multiple ways for things to go south. Some are interesting to witness, but there’s no trophy reward for them. Follow this guide, and you’ll unlock all of the Normal and Happy Endings, which will, in turn, unlock all of the trophies for the character CGs and the “Welcome to the Okunezato Supernatural Club” trophy. Unlocking the various routes to these Endings depends upon the Happy Endings already unlocked as well as dialogue choices. I’ve put the Endings in order that they can be unlocked. Please note that the first two routes for Hino and Isora can be done in any order. It’s after both are complete that the others unlock one at a time.
This guide lists the choices you should make throughout each route to unlock these trophies.
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net

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