A Recent Leak Has Potentially Revealed New DLC Characters for Dragon Ball FighterZ - Videogames Blogs

A Recent Leak Has Potentially Revealed New DLC Characters for Dragon Ball FighterZ

Earlier today we noted that a recent Reddit leak had revealed SoulCalibur VI information. Now, from the same set of leaks that were responsible for the SoulCalibur VI character news earlier today, the Reddit user ?Vergeben? also took to Reddit to discuss the upcoming Dragon Ball FighterZ, and potentially leaked information regarding the game?s upcoming DLC characters.
When it came to Dragon Ball FighterZ, Vergeben claimed that the DLC characters that would be coming to the game include Broly, base form Goku, base form Vegeta, and Bardock. According to the user, Raditz and Zarbon have also been floated as possible characters, but nothing can be confirmed there. The inclusion of two new forms of Goku and Vegeta come from the Japanese fanbase, according to Vergeben. On top of this information, there are still hidden characters that have yet to be revealed, including an ?Ultimate Form? for Android 21. For even more on the fighting game, you can check out our E3 2017 Dragon Ball FighterZ preview in order to learn more. Here?s a snippet of what Tyler had to say about it:
Since it is a Dragon Ball game, there?s also a big focus on mobility. By hitting the right trigger, players can use a special homing dash that?ll avoid Ki attacks. That?s not all, as they can also do a warp attack called Vanish that has players teleport behind their opponent and land an attack. That costs a gauge of energy, though, so it?s important that these special moves are used in moderation.
The fightin...
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