Admitting Defeat, LawBreakers Studio Boss Key Moves On To Next Game - Videogames Blogs

Admitting Defeat, LawBreakers Studio Boss Key Moves On To Next Game

Earlier this year, LawBreakers publisher Nexon had to cut their losses and declared that they were writing off LawBreakers. High expectations at for the game led extremely disappointing sales numbers and a dismal attach rate as the game’s life continued. While we don’t have specific numbers on the PS4 player base, the PC version often sees less than 10 players in any given day. During its peak, LawBreakers never broke 8,ooo concurrent players, a bleak number that didn’t bode well for the longevity of the online competitive experience.
Breaking four months of silence, Boss Key Productions issued a blog post finally admitting that the game failed to find the footing they had hoped it would. Without a strong attach rate, the studio is unable to sustain the game in the manner that they had initially hoped to. Addressing the possibility of pivoting to a free-to-play model, they indicate this would take publisher backing, which they no longer have. It’s not completely over for LawBreakers though. The studio doesn’t want the last three and a half years of work on the game to go to waste, saying that they are “determined to give this game the second life it deserves.” Until that time, however, Boss Key will be moving on to new projects with “fresh creative leaders.” The game wasn’t bad at all, as pointed out by our review. It just failed to find a strong footing in a world with Overwatch, Call of Duty, Titanfall, PUBG, an...

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