Adorable Platformer Tamarin Is Coming To The PlayStation 4 - Videogames Blogs

Adorable Platformer Tamarin Is Coming To The PlayStation 4

In Chameleon Games? latest title, Tamarin, you play as a tamarin monkey who must save his family from an evil bug invasion. It is your job to protect the ones you love, and ultimately, restore the balance of your natural habitat. You must embark on a journey into the Northern wilderness, where you will come across all sorts of enemies. Tamarin switches things up however, by introducing guns into the mix. The trailer showed off an Uzi, so perhaps there will be more guns as you progress through the game?s story, but this is simply speculation on my part.
Check out the trailer to see what?s in store in Tamarin!

The game?s official website described the game by saying:

Explore an incredible interconnected 3D world, brimming with primate platforming and bug-splattering shooter action. Leap with the agility of a tamarin as you journey into the Northern wilderness on scenic routes through forests, fjords and mountains. Along the way you will chase mysterious electrical fireflies, discover a secret underground world of dancing ants, rescue innocent birds, and restore the tamarins? once idyllic natural habitat.
The game?s music, environments, and characters have been ?crafted by Golden Era Rare veterans?. The music specifically, was composed by David Wise who was Rare?s sole musician up until 1994. Rare is most known for classic games such as: Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Conker?s Bad Fur Day, Perfect Dark, and 007: Goldeneye. With many of the games on t...

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