AndaSeat T-Pro 2 Series Premium Gaming Chair Review – Recline and Rock in Comfort - Videogames Blogs

AndaSeat T-Pro 2 Series Premium Gaming Chair Review – Recline and Rock in Comfort

We’ve reviewed a number of the AndaSeat gaming chairs before, and they’ve all been excellent additions to gaming setups and home offices, depending on your needs. The latest is the AndaSeat T-Pro 2 Series Premium Gaming Chair, which immediately intrigued me because of its more reserved look overall. With a cloth covering and muted color scheme, this is less the usual “race car bed” of gaming chairs that most companies seem to release.
We opted to go for the grey one, but there are also blue and black options available. Setup is fairly simple, easy enough for one person to handle, but be warned, the AndaSeat T-Pro 2 Series Premium Gaming Chair is a heavy-duty piece of furniture with a steel frame, so it’s heavy. The box comes with everything you’ll need to piece it together, and I had mine ready to sit in within 20 minutes of tearing into the box. The chair feels very sturdy overall, but I think AndaSeat outsources the 4D armrestss, which are the exact same arms that I’ve seen on a number of other brands’ gaming chairs. With their ability to move in four dimensions (height, in and out, back and forth, and twisting at an angle), they tend to be a bit wobbly and feel loose because of the 4D mechanisms. The AndaSeat T-Pro 2 Series Premium Gaming Chair is a big chair too (AndaSeat’s “Super King Size” variant), and even at 6’3″ with long arms, I had to adjust the armrests all the way in to comfortab...

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