Anticipate Dishonored-Inspired Level Design Choices in Wolfenstein: Youngblood - Videogames Blogs

Anticipate Dishonored-Inspired Level Design Choices in Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Since Wolfenstein studio MachineGames is developing Wolfenstein: Youngblood in conjunction with Arkane Lyon, things being a little different in the franchise?s newest entry shouldn?t come as much of a surprise. The differences themselves may shock some, however. Most notably, as far as level design is concerned, fans will be able to spy some similarities between Youngblood?s level design and that of Arkane?s stealth series, Dishonored. In addition, the newest Wolfenstein installment will feature more of an ?open-ended structure,? allowing for a replayable aspect not particularly present in past entries.
Youngblood Executive Producer Jerk Gustafsson spoke with PlayStation Official Magazine for the upcoming June 2019 issue. During the interview, Gustafsson explained that the Dishonored similarities will primarily noticeable in how players choose to navigate missions and combat scenarios.
I think players will see a lot of similarities to level design in the Dishonored games, so in that sense it can be a little bit different as an experience but it can be for the benefit of the game, especially when it comes to finding different ways of approaching a combat scenario or a mission in general.

Offering this kind of player freedom, alongside the addition of co-op, has required MachineGames and Arkane to alter the typical Wolfenstein experience. For one, this entry will be more replayable than its predecessors, specifically where side missions and bonus activities are concerned...

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