Apex Legends Battle Pass Details Clarified by Respawn
Apex Legends shows no signs of slowing down. With 50 million players and counting, you can bet some of those players are still busy data-mining the game and its official website, eager to find a morsel of planned content updates. While details of an Apex Legends Battle Pass and new legend were indeed found by some intrepid sleuths, none of this was confirmed by the developer. Respawn Entertainment felt the need to clarify the situation.
In a post on Reddit, Respawn Community Manager Jay Frechette stated that Respawn would be ?providing details on Season 1, Battle Pass, and the next Legend very soon,? but then added that the information would not be coming out today. It seems that Respawn wants to take its time to announce everything on its own terms, not when the community happens to stumble upon bits of information. Frechette even went so far as to issue a warning.
He stated that while ?this stuff is fun to dig up and speculate about,? nothing gleaned from unofficial sources should be treated as a source of truth. He mentioned that some of what may be leaked could be things that have been tried and cut, asking players to ?remember our design process is to prototype and play lots of ideas.? Jay closed with reassurances that ?the real info will come from us when we?re ready to show off what?s coming next.?
With so many active players, everyone is always hungry...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
URL: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net
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