Are Games More Addictive Now Than Ever Before" - Videogames Blogs

Are Games More Addictive Now Than Ever Before"

Before we deep dive into such a complex, sensitive topic, it?s important to define the issue in question. What is addiction, exactly"
History tells us that the word ?addiction? is actually derived from the Latin term for ?enslaved by? (or ?bound to?, subject to semantics), and typically manifests in three distinct ways: craving for a specific object or thing; loss of control over its use; and continuing involvement with said object, even in the face of psychological and/or physical side effects.
This neural feedback loop, if you will, is fuelled by dopamine (AKA the ?pleasure drug?), which zips around the brain?s so-called Reward Center and turns that frown upside down?or something to that effect. What?s particularly fascinating is that the brain registers all forms of pleasure in the same way ? regardless of whether it?s from a monetary reward, a sexual encounter, a psychoactive drug or substance, or just a damn good meal. And that?s where the problems start to arise. The ‘Pleasure Drug’
Addiction is a very real and very frightening chronic disease, then, one capable of altering brain function and, for want of a better word, hijacking that aforementioned Reward Center. The result" Memory and decision-making becomes foggy, while the ways in which we associate Object X with gratification, and form new memories based around that experience, tricks our mind into thinking that we don?t just want something, we need it.

Which brings us to the question at h...

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