Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Latest Trailer Details Combat Customization - Videogames Blogs

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Latest Trailer Details Combat Customization

Ubisoft Quebec has released the second video for its “Behind the Odyssey” series, which details different aspects of the forthcoming Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The first video focused on RPG mechanics. Combat customization received all the love in the series’ second part.

The player character, either Alexios or Kassandra, was born in Sparta. However, since they departed their homeland at an early age, their fighting style differs from other Spartan warriors, explained Game Director Scott Phillips. A more active and dynamic combat style rests at the heart of how fighting functions. Therefore, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey offers 30 plus abilities, all of which can be upgraded.
Odyssey’s base combat is derivative of that of AC Origins. Thus, as Phillips noted, it’s “hit box-based” and centered around “distance” and “timing.” The difference is that Odyssey’s fighting caters to more active and dynamic movement. Dodging and parrying will come in handy, as opposed to players relying heavily on a shield. According to Animation Director, Marc-André Clermont, the changes in movement won’t distract from defense. Parrying can open up defensive opportunities, allowing players to regain offensive control.
Combat isn’t the only aspect of the Assassin’s Creed formula that’s received an overhaul. Weapons have received a makeover, as well. For instance, the spear is an artifact of the F...

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