Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Review – An Epithet Away From Being Its Own Homeric Poem (PS4)

Just with the name of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, we’re going to expect a lot from this title. Perhaps the word “odyssey” has been overused throughout time, but since Ubisoft is bringing the term back to where it originated in Ancient Greece, the company is literally saying this will be epic. Have you ever read Homer’s poem (and I mean the POEM, not the prose-form)" It doesn’t take long to see why that’s considered an epic poem, and Odysseus’ incredible ten-year journey only compounds the sentiment. You might say his odyssey was epic. Calling any great journey an odyssey equates to an epic one. I mean, the game starts you on Kephallonia island, which is just south of Ithaca, Odysseus’ island. Coincidence" Ha! I think not. But with all of these promises holding in the Aegean sea wind, does Ubisoft actually deliver" If Homer was still around to recite poetry, I dare say he’d craft another epic called The Misthios (the Greek word for mercenary). It has everything that both Homer and Odysseus himself would approve of, in regards to a great journey: family tragedy, a bit of comedy, plenty of voyaging, mythology, dinner parties, mysteries to solve, and murder. It’s just not a Homeric poem without murder.
A Mercenary Born From Tragedy
It doesn’t matter if you pick Alexios or Kassandra, as both of their stories begin rather similarly. A family tragedy forces them to flee Sparta as children, an...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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