Assassin’s Creed Rogue HD Rated by Korean Game Rating Board - Videogames Blogs

Assassin’s Creed Rogue HD Rated by Korean Game Rating Board

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. After popping up on several Italian retailers, Assassin’s Creed Rogue for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One has been rated by the Korea Games Rating Board. The date of the classification is dated today (December 6, 2017), and it’s under the full name of Assassin’s Creed Rogue HD. Retailers listed the action game with a March 18, 2018 release date.
For more on the original PlayStation 3 release, check out our Assassin?s Creed Rogue review. It was plagued by some technical issues, which shouldn?t be there now that it comes to PS4:
Sadly, while the visuals did have a number of issues, so did the game?s frame rate, which would periodically fluctuate and even stutter the gameplay. This only became more of a problem, as it mixed in with the game?s random bugs, such as the AI getting stuck in a loop of seeing and unseeing me every second while I was hidden, or endlessly walking into walls. There also is a number of occasions where your character will simply pass through objects in the environment, showing some clipping problems as well. I would find it difficult to truly recommend Assassin?s Creed Rogue to anyone who is not very entrenched into the story line, especially at its full retail price. It was a decent entry into the catalog of games for the series and ties itself to the other titles wonderfully, but short of being a bookmark between two landmark titles, Rogue simply doesn?t bring anything new in terms of gam...

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