Beloved Fallout 76 Fasnacht Event Delayed Because Players Can’t Get Up in Them Guts
There was bound to be an opposite, equal reaction after weeks of praise for how well things have gone for Fallout 76 since its major Wastelanders update. Nothing good lasts forever and a game like Fallout 76 with a track record for things exploding magnificently is a bomb on Megaton waiting to happen. Sadly, this time it involves the especially popular Fasnacht Parade event, originally scheduled to begin yesterday across all versions of the game. I say originally because a long-ignored bug involving the guts of Appalachia?s critters forced Bethesda to shut down the event, delayed until further notice while Bethesda looks at fixing yet another broken part of its game.
Confused" You should be, but here?s the short version. The Fasnacht Parade event is based on a real Appalachian tradition derived from a Swiss celebration that is akin to Mardi Gras, taking place the weekend before Shrove Tuesday. Think of it as a parade and celebration to usher in the end of winter and the coming of spring?hence the burning of an Old Man Winter effigy. Why does Appalachia celebrate it" It?s a mountain thing. Regardless, the parade is also an event in Fallout 76 that involves players helping a town of confused robots prepare and celebrate the parade. That preparation involves collecting supplies before the actual event that involves players protecting mask-wearing robots as they process. Think of it as a less depressing version of that other quest involving a parade of robots from Ni...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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