Best Shooter of 2017 – Winner - Videogames Blogs

Best Shooter of 2017 – Winner

The end of the year has rolled around, which means it’s time to sum up 2017 with the Game of the Year Awards. PlayStation LifeStyle is doing our year-end awards slightly different from previous years. We wanted to put more importance on the nomination for each award, so we limited each category to five games. That’s not many, especially in a year stacked with great titles. It took a lot of careful deliberation to come up with each list.
As with nearly every year, there were some heavy hitters when it comes to the best shooter of the year. Not only did Activision release new entries in two of their biggest series, but inventive titles like SUPERHOT also came to PlayStation 4. Oh, and we got to punch all of the Nazis we could possibly want in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Last week, we announced PlayStation LifeStyle’s nominees for the Best Shooter of 2017. Here’s a reminder of what got nominated:

Best Shooter of 2017

Call of Duty WWII
When it comes down to a complete package, few can compete with Call of Duty. It's one of the most content-rich titles available each year, and the core shooting is always solid. Read our review for even more.

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