Biomutant Review – Losing Hours in the Wasteland (PS4) - Videogames Blogs

Biomutant Review – Losing Hours in the Wasteland (PS4)

Biomutant was first announced in 2017. Through the following four years we?ve had long periods of silence about the game from developer Experiment 101, as well as delays. However, away from the limelight, the small team of just 20 developers have been plugging away at their own pace. The result is a post-apocalyptic RPG where animals have taken over the world after humans polluted it so much they brought on their own downfall. For the animals, though, it?s given them mutations, special powers and a chance to practice their kung-fu in peace.
Originally the animals were united as a single tribe, but then an attack by the Lupa-Lupin caused the death of their leader. In the aftermath, the animals split into six individual tribes driven by their own ideals. Then the pollution started causing the Tree of Life, the one thing holding the world together, to start dying. With the fate of the animals now hanging in the balance, the nameless protagonist re-enters the world and holds the key to their fate. Biomutant Review – Looking Your Very Best
Despite the protagonist?s never-changing appearance throughout the game?s artwork, players can customise their character in many ways to change that. From body shape and species to skin colour from a rainbow wheel that covers the entire spectrum, there?s many ways to make him look completely different. Players can then choose the initial distribution of skill points into categories like agility, strength, charisma, and luck as well as ch...

The Download - March 2018
