Blizzard Hires Alyssa Wong as New Overwatch Writer - Videogames Blogs

Blizzard Hires Alyssa Wong as New Overwatch Writer

A new writer has joined the ranks of the Overwatch team over at Activision Blizzard. Announced by, well, herself, Alyssa Wong is now part of a game that is not only a massive success, but has approximately a bajillion dollars tied up in its growing competitive scene.
Wong has a history of writing in speculative fiction and while she ostensibly hasn’t been active for very long in a visual sense, already has a really impressive list of awards and nominations. From 2014 through 2017, she has been a finalist for the likes of the Nebula Award for Best Short Story, the Bram Stoker Award for Short Fiction, the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, the Locus Award for Best Novelette, and the Hugo Awards for Best Novelette and Best Short Story, among others. She won the Nebula and World Fantasy Awards for Best Short Story in 2015, and the Locust Award for Best Novelette in 2017. Obviously, that’s plenty of cred when it comes to joining the talent for Overwatch, which has a definite sci-fi flavor, and plenty of demand for more capital “L” lore. Much of the external storytelling content for Overwatch has slowed down a bit, and a planned graphic novel project was even cancelled a while back. Perhaps the addition of Wong is a good sign of things to come, in terms of creative output beyond the game itself.


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