Books We Can Play: Railsea by China Miéville

Did you know that there are almost 130 million books that exist on this planet" It?s true. I know this because I?m a superior intellectual that typed ?how many books exist? into Google. Of that 130 million, there are just over 100 that have been based on video games. A good few of those come from the same franchise, like Harry Potter, The Witcher, and Lord of the Rings. The Godfather can also take its place among those virtual manifestations of literary majesty, with plenty more that I don?t want to waste space mentioning. But with over 100 video game adaptations that came from books compared to the near 130 million, that?s an insane amount of potentially awesome books that have yet to inspire a developer. I find that sad and exciting, and so I decided to select certain books that I think would serve video games well?books that carry enough substance to become more than words inked onto the corpses of trees, books that we can play. Railsea by China Miéville
If you?re unfamiliar with this book, I consider you a lucky person. Much like Game of Thrones, The Last of Us, and a Chipotle burrito, I desperately wish I could suffer minor brain damage to forget what I?ve experienced, if only to relive that first time just once more. Railsea is considered ?Weird Fiction,? both by Miéville himself and those who devour his work. It?s an homage to Herman Melville?s classic, Moby Dick, about a young boy named Sham Yes ap Soorap, a doctor?s assistant who finds himself in the middl...
Source: PlayStation LifeStyle
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